Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bathroom Confusion...?

Well, I am going to blog about this since I just recently had this experience.  It is not a pleasant one, and I am sure I am not the only one who has had it. This is also not the only place this has happened either. Anyway, we went to see Paul at the Rave here in good ol' Fort Wayne, Indiana (by the way, if you haven't seen Paul, I highly recommend it!) and for the sake of not missing any of the movie, I decided to use the ladies room before the movie started. Well, you know it's going to be an unpleasant experience if you can barely get into the stall without falling into the toilet because of how close the door is to it! I mean, seriously!, WHO DESIGNED THESE STALLS?! That jerk is probably laughing somewhere thinking, "Hmm, I wonder if anyone has fallen backwards into a toilet today trying to get the door shut!" I mean, would it really be that difficult to just have the doors open OUTWARD?! Then that way you have the entire stall to move around in. Anyway, so, I finally get the door shut and locked, then I sit down. I noticed instantly that my left leg is positioned UNDERNEATH the toilet paper dispenser! Really?!?! And folks, I am sitting correctly on this toilet, I am not sitting with my right butt cheek on the left part of the toilet...no, I am sitting directly in the center of the toilet seat, like you're supposed to, and my leg is directly under the T.P. dispenser. What the heck were they thinking?!?! I mean, come on! Couldn't they have put the dispenser up a few inches? Or maybe even farther out from the toilet a little bit? No, of course not. So, I have to reach down, then back up past my leg and pull out some toilet paper. I didn't think I'd be playing "Twister" just to get some dang toilet paper, but apparently that's what you have to do in that bathroom. "Left hand on white"..if you can!!! So, after untangling myself I go to wash my hands. I am only 27, but sometimes the technology today confuses even me! I am looking all over the place for the button or the faucet thing to turn the water on, and there isn't one... Then I see the little black sensor below the faucet. Oh, ok, I have to wave at the sink to get it to turn on...interesting. So, I get my hands washed and now I am ready to dry them. Now, I am familiar with the blow dryers for your hands, but the new ones that they've come out with are INSANE! It'd be like blow drying your hands behind a jet that's about to take off! Yeah, these things feel like they are going to blow your skin right off! I remember back when I was younger, they had the ones that blew so softly that you might as well just blow on your own hands, or just wipe them on your jeans, if you wanted them to be dry anytime in that century! Yeah, you'd have to push the button 4-5 times just to get your hands dry...but not anymore! No siree! Now you can blow that water (and your skin) right off your hands and they will be dry in 10 seconds or less!

So anyway, yeah, I might have said some of this in a funny way, but it's all the truth! This all really happened to me. I am going to continue to blog real instances that I go through. Some blogs will be serious, some not so serious. But seriously, I hope you all have a good day, and I hope you all get to experience the bathroom terrors I have been through for yourselves one day!

Take care, and bye-bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! That's why I always go BEFORE we go to the theater. You are such a dweeb! I'm adopted, by the way.
