There are many things that happen that make me say/and or think to myself, "WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!"
For instance, when using a public restroom, I walk into the stall, shut the door, turn around and look, and "What do you know?", the last person didn't feel it was necessary to flush their excrement down the toilet!!! What the heck?!?! That's so disgusting! Would you leave floaters in your own toilet at home?! What gave them the idea that it is ok to leave that in a toilet that many people will use throughout the day?! Would they leave a surprise like that for a guest in their own home?! I don't think so!!!
Another toilet issue I come across from time to time (WAY more often than I think is even remotely right) is PEE ON THE TOILET SEAT! What the heck?!?! Were they trying to "hover" over the toilet seat so as to not have to actually put their hind end on the toilet seat, thus peeing ALL OVER THE SEAT?! Were they peeing in a cup, perhaps, and then when they went to pour it into the toilet decided, "Hmm...let me pour this all over the seat instead, it will be a lovely surprise for the next user of this stall." Or maybe they just didn't wipe and when they went to stand up they dripped pee all over the seat...who knows?! Bottom line is this...WIPE IT OFF! It's your bodily function...NOT MINE! And I do not, under any circumstances want to sit in someone elses urine! Nor do I think it should be my responsibility to clean the toilet before I use it! It has happened to me a couple of times, when I had to go SO bad, I was about to wet myself, and I didn't have time to look at the seat before I sat down...big mistake folks! Because EVERY time that happens to me, I sit down and sure enough...someone decided to have target practice with the toilet, and I just sat in their inaccurate aim!!!!! There is nothing that can be done at this point. The damage has already been done...all I can do is make sure to take a very thorough shower as soon as I get home! Also...don't you just HATE the toilets that flush automatically? (I mean, how lazy are we, really?!) Sure it is kinda nice, especially for the people that I mentioned at the beginning of this blog...the ones who feel they are above and beyond those of us who flush...
Automatic flushers...*sigh*...There are a few different instances that occur with these kinds of toilets...for instance, the kind that are WAY TOO POWERFUL! You know? The ones that practically suck you into the toilet before you get a chance to stand up all the way! You feel the suction on your hind end and you grab ahold of the little hook on the door and try to keep yourself from being flushed down the toilet! It's insane! Those are the loudest ones sounds like there is a hurricane/tornado/thunderstorm right by your butt as soon as you stand up!! It's sort of terrifying!
You better hope that you don't have to take off a coat, or do much of anything before you sit down with an automatic toilet...the reason is this: If they sense movement...well...they FLUSH! So, let's say you took your coat off, hung it on the hook, got your bottoms pulled down, and your hind end is about to hit the toilet seat...well at this very moment, the toilet is sure that you are finished and have just stood it flushes, and at this point you are already sitting and nothing can be done, and you get a soaked hind end! Dang automatic toilets! This can also be an issue when you are finished and you are putting your coat back on...the toilet thinks, "Oh, another person is done!" and flushes, thus spitting toilet bowl water ALL OVER YOUR LEGS! Lovely... ah the wonderful technology that allows us to not have to manually flush the toilets.
I mean, what brought these toilets to be? Did someone break their hand while trying to flush the toilet? Did someone fall in the toilet while trying to reach back and manually push on the lever to flush the toilet?! I mean, really, it wasn't that difficult to flush the toilet...but apparently, it was a huge inconvenience for someone...
Now I am going to discuss some things about movie theaters... Well, my sister and I pride ourselves in being the FIRST ones into the theater so we can get our favorite seats! All the way at the top + the two seats RIGHT IN THE CENTER of the row = PERFECTION! Well, we know it's going to be a crappy experience and our whole lives are about to crumble to pieces when we get to our seats and one of them is broken!!! Couple of questions here... "WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, HOW do you break a seat in the theater?!?!" I mean, what the heck?!?!?! Was someone jumping on the seat? Was someone so incredibly excited about the movie that they were bouncing up and down on the seat and broke it?! How?!
Anyway, so we have to move down a few seats from the center (thus making this a less than perfect experience) and we sit down. Ok, whatever...this is still going to be an enjoyable experience...or so we think. That is until the next couple of people who come into the theater just happen to be the TALLEST PEOPLE IN FORT WAYNE, INDIANA!!!! And would you believe it?! No, you probably can't, but the seats that they just happen to choose are the seats directly in front of us!!! No kidding! So, now apart from not having our perfect center seats we now have Jolly Green and Mrs. Jolly Green GIANTS sitting in front of us!
So, we decide to move. We move over a few more seats (moving even farther away from perfection) and we sit down. At least this way there won't be two heads "starring" in the movie we are about to watch.
Well, it's a small crowd (this movie has been in theaters for quite a while now) and there are empty seats EVERYWHERE! Aside from us, and the giants there are about 5 other people in the whole theater...and in walk the dreaded group of teenage kids! Yeah, you all know them! The ones that talk through the WHOLE MOVIE! Yep, there they are...great. And guess what?! It might as well have been a sold out theater because even though there are empty seats all over the place, the seats that they choose are RIGHT NEXT TO US! Come on!!! REALLY?!?! So, here I am...sitting right next to a stranger and her boyfriend and her friend, and her friend's boyfriend and some other dude (the 5th wheel, maybe?). I can already tell this is going to be a horrible experience for me because the "couples" next to me have already begun to think that they just checked into a motel room instead of entered a movie theater! That's right, they already have their tongues down eachother's throats and are giggling and talking and being loud and obnoxious. WHAT THE HECK!?
I just look at my sister, roll my eyes, and just hope that I don't have to beat anyone senseless before the end of the movie. So, I am watching the movie and all I can hear is "Sluuuurp, suuuuckie, slurrrrrp"(yeah, those are my kissing noises)... Yeah, I am pretty dang sure I didn't come to a porno movie...funny...that's all I am hearing...I am also pretty sure I didn't pay $12.50 for a ticket to listen to this crap! They are LUCKY the movie is ending because I am on the verge of beating someone's face in at this point!!! Just because these kids have rich mommy's and daddy's that pay for their hotel passes...I mean MOVIE passes, doesn't mean that people who actually EARN a living and pay good money to actually WATCH the movie don't want to enjoy them!!! $12.50 might not seem like a lot of money to someone who has it handed to them, but when you have to calculate your income then subtract actual bills, and are fortunate that there is $12.50 left to enjoy a movie...well, then $12.50 is a LOT!
That brings me to another issue...if you're going to a movie on a budget...forget snacks, unless you have some limbs to spare!!! "I'll have a large popcorn and a large drink, please". "Ok, that will be $1,056.99. Will that be cash or credit? If you don't have the funds for this, we have these applications for credit cards, we will need you to fill this out and if you are approved, you can purchase these items. OR, you can pay $10.00 and give us one finger, a toe, and an earlobe!"
What the HECK!? Since when was it ok to practically rob people who are trying to do something outside of the house?! I remember when movies were .50 cents and snacks were cheap you pay almost $13.00 just to watch it and if you want the delicious snacks you have to pay with your first born child!! Crazy times we are living in, I swear!!!
Anyway...I think that's enough for this blog...I'll blog ya later!!! :D
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